Arbejde Front-end and web developer unspecified MOBILE INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4950273
documentId: 4950273
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1551098251173
stillingsbetegnelse: Front-end and web developer
Do you have an eye for detail and do you want to help develop tomorrow’s industrial robots?
An exciting workplace
For a new position we seek an experienced Front-end and web developer for our main office in Odense. If successful, you will be part of our dynamic and ambitious company, whose dedicated colleagues love to make a difference to the working day and create success in the world of robotics.
At our company, engagement, strong working effort and job satisfaction go hand in hand, and we expect to be the leading international supplier of mobile robots in the coming year.
Huge scope for influencing your work
We offer an exciting and responsible position with excellent opportunities for you to personally shape the position. You will be part of a team that is constantly at the cutting edge of the technology, has a vision for the user interface of the future and on an ongoing basis, further develops this in tandem with the development of more and better functionality for the robots:
- Design, carry out maintenance and further develop tomorrow’s web interface for mobile robots
- Ensure a user-friendly interface, so anyone, no matter their technical background, can use our robots
- Ensure flexible and intelligent design in the form of responsive solutions, so everyone can use robots, regardless of the device they use
- Be part of a development team, closely exploring and sounding out ideas with talented robotics engineers regarding changes and new features
- Challenge our methods, so we constantly ensure that we meet tomorrow’s requirements and possibilities
The successful candidate
Professional competencies
You have experience as a Php/Front-end developer and have previously been responsible for the design of modern websites, but now really want to try something new: Take responsibility for tomorrow’s robot interface.
You have developed competencies based on HTML(5), CSS(3) and JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery UI, etc.). In addition, we use Web Sockets and on the back end we use a classic LAMP stack, which you must also be able to work with. It will be an advantage if you have knowledge and experience in programming in Python. It is paramount that you are fluent in both spoken and written English.
Personal competencies
The ideal candidate is ambitious, careful and structured and knows what it takes to ensure a high level of focus on quality in every aspect of the job. At the same time, you are outgoing and thrive in a dynamic and international company, where employees from many different European countries form the framework for a good working and team environment. You work independently, are enterprising and very driven, and a sense of responsibility and ownership permeates your work.
If you believe this is your chance to develop personally and professionally together with some of the most talented people in the industry, then send your application and your CV as quickly as possible via the “Click here to apply” button.
Employment by agreement – ideally as quickly as possible.
Please note that we will conduct interviews on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
We recommend that you to visit our website, and learn more about Mobile Industrial Robots.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Application deadline:
As soon as possible
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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