Arbejde Financial Controller unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk4MDE1MyA3

reference: 4980153

documentId: 4980153

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1556541026636

stillingsbetegnelse: Financial Controller


Do you want to be part of the new finance operating model in LEO Pharma?

Within the last couple of years LEO Pharma has applied a new way of working in Finance: implementing SAP, outsourcing transactional finance processes to a Business Process Outsourcing provider (BPO) in India and teaming up with a Compliance Process outsourcing provider (CPO) to handle compliance tasks. This is managed through an established European Finance Hub located in Ballerup, Denmark. As such, most of the transactional tasks have been outsourced meaning that the Hub is focusing on the most value creating accounting tasks.

Controlling, analysis, development, support, reporting….

You will be part of the team controlling the Danish parent company under the European Finance Hub. The parent company is the largest company in the group and activities such as R&D, clinical trials and production are based here. Your daily focus is on controlling and compliance tasks to ensure proper monthly reporting and follow-up, while at the same time considering how we can do things in the most efficient way. This is the foundation of the European Finance Hub. In this way, you will have influence on the new setup and on establishing the processes. Amongst others your tasks will include:

  • Financial controlling and support
  • Review of reconciliations and preparation of comments for monthly reporting
  • Preparation of audit material
  • Compliance and internal controls
  • Statistical fillings and other ad hoc administrative tasks

In addition to the above, you might participate in different projects. This could be for example in relation to internal controls or optimization of selected outsourced tasks. The position will give you a large interface across the international organisation and with external partners.


You have a finance degree, e.g. HD(R) or cand.merc.aud., and solid accounting or financial controlling experience. Hence, your financial toolbox is in place, including working with MS Office. If you have experience with SAP, this will be an advantage. You possess good analytical skills and have a good sense for details.

Your personality is equally important. You have a good sense of humor and a positive approach. Further, you should thrive in a changeable environment, where you will need to help establish and optimise new processes, while at the same time deliver on the specific tasks. It is important that you can work independently taking responsibility for your own tasks. Finally, as part of an international business you should be good at English.

Your new team

You will have eight good and committed colleagues in the relatively newly established hub, hereof 3 colleagues in the parent company team, located at LEO Pharma’s headquarters in Ballerup, together with a group of colleagues abroad. We are part of Group Accounting with a total of approx. 30 highly competent colleagues. We want to succeed in this exciting task, and we will do that with a mix of good mood, helpfulness and cooperation.


Contact and application deadline

Please send your application and CV before May 23, 2019.

You are also welcome to contact Team Leader Daniel Bang on + 45 72608861 if you have any questions about the position.

We look forward to hearing from you!

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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