Arbejde Facility Manager, Scandinavia-140001KD Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Facility Manager, Scandinavia-140001KD

Department In order to align, develop and expand management of Building Facilities at Vestas locations in Scandinavia, we are looking for a Facility Manager to lead the daily operations. As a Manager you will be a part of our Corporate Services reporting to the director for this region. FM are responsible for Facility Management on outdoor areas, building envelopes, and installations of all Vestas owned and leased properties. Responsibilities and Tasks: The job is very cross-functional and will interface with all Business Units in Vestas Wind Systems A/S in Scandinavia. You will have close colleagues in Europe and worldwide. Your primary responsibilities and tasks will be: You think “Safety First” in every aspect of doing business You are leading team-leaders and their employees in Denmark and governing Scandinavia You will lead the alignment of services and “best practice” in co-operation with leaders and colleagues in Vestas. You are the key person in implementing “Lean Thinking” across the function You are very quality and cost conscious You possess strong business acumen but you maintain a high level of service Qualifications and work experience: We are looking for a candidate with the following professional background: You have at least 5 years’ experience from a similar position, including solid experience in people management You possess an engineering degree within architecture, construction or facility management, minimum on bachelor level You are service minded and customer oriented You have a broad experience from Building Facility Management with planned maintenance EPR documented You are very keen on collecting synergies and implementing these across the function You have the experience of making budgets and follow up on the same You are able to present solid references Competencies: In order to succeed in this job the following basic personal competencies are necessary: You have an eye for people management, and have the understanding of motivating and appraising your staff, within the frame of given tasks, outcome and timeframe You are a strong communicator You are organized You have an eye for setting up alternatives in any context, and present these in convincing presentations You have strong negotiation skills in every respect You are target oriented, with a holistic approach You have the ability to create networks, produce teamwork and build up relations You speak and write English on a high level Additional information: Your workplace will be out of Aarhus or Ringkoebing/ Lem area in Denmark Applications will be reviewed successively. Experience the forces of wind Join Vestas and work with cutting-edge wind technology As one of the world leaders in wind power solutions with wind turbine installations in over 65 countries and more than 20.000 employees globally, Vestas looks to accelerate innovation through the development of our employees' skills and talents. Our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically and ensure a sustainable world for future generations. Job Building Maintenance Primary Location Denmark-Midtjylland-Aarhus N Unposting Date Ongoing

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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