Arbejde Estonian Marketing Assistant for part time position unspecified DINNERBOOKING ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4914908
documentId: 4914908
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544016369976
Estonian Marketing Assistant for part time position
Are you a skilled communicator with a digital and commercial mindset? And are you ready to help DinnerBooking grow on our Estonian platforms? Then DinnerBooking has the job for you.
DinnerBooking is the provider of the market's leading booking system. Today the company administers 1000 restaurants across Europe.
To promote we aim to create valuable and relevant content to restaurant guests via blog, social media and newsletter.
We are looking for an Estonian Marketing Assistent, who can help us reach the Estonian restaurant guests and hereby create awareness for This will involve managing the Estonian version of DinnerBooking’s blog, our Estonian Facebook and Instagram and creating PR-stories to Estonian media.
- Create content for DinnerBooking’s blog
- Create newsletters in Campaign Monitor
- Manage Facebook and Instagram
- Write press releases
- The responsibility for our restaurant festival DinnerDays in Estonia
- You have a digital mindset
- You are experienced in advertising in Facebook Ads Manager
- You are familiar with target groups and remarketing
- You can easily use data from Google Analytics
- You are experienced in working in CMS systems
- You are studying or have studied marketing, journalism, communication or the like
- You write grammatically correct
- You write and speak fluent Estonian
- You can angle a story and think journalistic
- You understand the principles of SEO
- The responsibility for the communication in the Estonian market
- An exciting and dynamic workplace in growth
- Super and social colleagues working in an informal environment
2 days (16 hours) a week which can be arranged according to your schedule if you are a student.
As part of the DinnerBooking you will join a dedicated team of foodlovers- and enthusiats all passionate about acheiving the vision of making DinnerBooking the number one booking concept for restaurants worldwide.
If you are the right candidate for DinnerBooking, please send your application to job (at) including picture. Application deadline is the 28th of December 2018. Start date as soon as possible.
Lyongade 21, 1. 2300 København S, Denmark.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: parttime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DINNERBOOKING ApS
source: DK-STAR
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