Arbejde Electrical Operations & Safety Engineer/Specialist unspecified MHI VESTAS OFFSHORE WIND A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk0NzY3OSA3

reference: 4947679

documentId: 4947679

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1550560391216

Electrical Operations & Safety Engineer/Specialist


Play a significant part in ensuring safe high-voltage operations

Are you motivated by always improving work procedures and finding the safest and best way of doing things? Do you have great interpersonal skills and the ability to lead and motivate a team?

MHI Vestas wants to do better every day

With +2500 employees in seven different countries, we are one of the leading players in the offshore wind industry. Even if we find ourselves in many different locations, one thing remains the same: We prioritise the team spirit and we value the close connection between our employees. We focus on financially viable and sustainable solutions that benefit future generations. Established in 2014, we are a young, diverse and ambitious organisation with an informal and dynamic environment.

Tasks & responsibilities: You will... the implementation, enforcement and maintenance of the Safe System of Work (SSoW) and Electrical Safety Standards for the commissioning and electrical completion phase, ensuring safe and controlled construction of offshore wind farms. To create a safe and effective HV energisation phase, you and the project team will ensure that the WTG HV system is tested and safely energised. You will also be responsible for controlling and coordinating all aspects of HV switching activities. It is important that you are up to date on local procedures and regulations regarding Control of Hazardous Energy/Electrical Safety Standards. You will make sure that all personnel are properly trained, and you will support the HSE department on electrical safety issues. Lastly, you will support all documentation related to the Control of Hazardous Energy/Electrical Safety Program.

Your tasks will include:

  • Authorised under MHI Vestas Electrical Network Safety Rules as Control Person and Authorised Person or Senior Authorised Person to comply with and support the Control of Hazardous Energy / Electrical Safety program and sSupport Operations sites
  • Authorised under MHI Vestas Wind Turbine Safety Rules as Authorised Engineer to comply with the Control of Hazardous Energy / Electrical Safety program and Support Operations sites
  • Administrate the program in collaboration with the Site Manager(s)
  • Assist in preparing project-specific documentation
  • Participate in internal and external meetings in relation to the commissioning plans and program
  • Participate in subject matter workgroups
  • Support with defining the HV testing/commissioning scope
  • Contact point for HV commissioning/completion technicians working under the HV commissioning scope
  • Provide input to the MHI Vestas Global CHE Committee and other stakeholders throughout the value chain

Skills & experience: Our new colleague...

...holds a certified electrical education, e.g. HNC Electrical Engineering/Qualified Electrician as minimum with a background in low and high voltage installations. You have relevant technical and operational experience from the wind industry as well as at least 3 years of practical experience with electrical safety. As a person, you are a team player with great interpersonal skills and a development-oriented mindset, and you have a structured and systematic approach to your tasks. You are highly safety conscious and can lead and direct a team.

We expect that you:

  • Have knowledge of EN 50110-1 Operation of Electrical Installations and other relevant European standards
  • Have knowledge of WTSR, HV safety rules, similar Safe Systems of Work, supporting procedures and documentation
  • Are a self-starter who can take on responsibility
  • Have experience with LV/HV authorisation panel
  • Are a confident user of MS Office, preferably an experienced user of PowerPoint and Excel
  • Have good communication and English skills and can work cross-functionally

Join us if you...

...would like to work in an international and ambitious company where we work shoulder to shoulder every day to become the global leader in the offshore wind market. You will be part of a dedicated team in an organisation characterised by being ambitious, innovative and professional.

In Operations Site Resources & Electrical Operations, we offer you:

  • A broad interface with many stakeholders
  • Great colleagues that support each other and work together
  • Excellent opportunities for professional and personal development
  • The right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions. We value initiative and responsibility
  • The opportunity to work with a determined and motivated team

Apply now

We're already looking forward to hearing from you. In case you have questions about the position, please contact Manager, Site Support & Electrical Operations, Søren Storm Madsen, on +45 5084 7623. You should expect approx. 180 travel days per year with employment out of our office in either Aarhus, DK, Warrington, UK, Ijmuiden, NL, Hamburg, DE, or Oostende, BE. Please note that applications are handled on an ongoing basis. So, please send your application and CV as soon as possible using the link on this page. We treat all inquiries confidentially.

Established in April 2014, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Vestas Wind Systems A/S. Our vision is to be a leading player in the offshore industry by co-developing offshore wind as a financially viable and sustainable energy source to benefit future generations. An international organisation with +2500 employees and HQ in Aarhus, Denmark, we also have offices in the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Taiwan and Japan.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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