Arbejde eCommerce Manager unspecified SENNHEISER COMMUNICATIONS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNjc5NCA3

reference: 4926794

documentId: 4926794

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546936411246

stillingsbetegnelse: eCommerce Manager


eCommerce Manager, Gaming

With more than 70 years of sound excellence, we develop best-in-class gaming headsets and are recognized in the professional gaming community as one of the most credible brands around. Building on our worldwide success, we now look to realize an ambitious growth plan together with an eCommerce Manager.


Accelerate your success in a highly dynamic market

In this role you will work with a premium brand within the gaming category, where our dynamic growth will translate directly into your professional growth. With your drive, strategic ideas, hands-on attitude, and technical expertise you can influence the direction that we will take in eCommerce. We are set out to reach ambitious goals and harvest success together with you. 

As eCommerce Manager your mission is to implement our eCommerce roadmap which starts with building our international web stores. For this you will liaise with external partners and make sure that we reach sales readiness during 2019. Further down the road, you will drive the online sales process by operating the web store, continuously developing it and rolling it out to new markets. As part of our Gaming Marketing & Sales team at our headquarters, you will also be the go-to-person for our subsidiaries when it comes to defining their e-commerce project strategies and objectives, scope and business requirements.


Your work areas include:

  • Development of web shops as defined in the sales strategy and in accordance to CI/CD guidelines
  • Secure the web shop is tied properly into the CRM and eCommerce systems
  • Profit/Loss responsibility for platform
  • Manage relationships & contracts with external partners
  • Securing the roll out of the web shop to new markets in close cooperation with the regions
  • Identify, research, analyze and manage risks and interdependencies within campaigns/projects/systems/resources, and formulate plausible solutions/ plans in consultation with stakeholders and Senior Management as necessary
  • Develop and execute ideas for e-commerce campaigns for HQ and local subsidiary teams


Your qualifications

Ideally, you have a background in the FMCG/Consumer electronics industry and have vast experience in digital branding of premium products and several years of practical experience in running eCommerce stores. 

You know exactly how to create unforgettable consumer journeys and engaging web shop experiences and thrive in building and launching new e-businesses. You have experience with SEO, SEM, Google Analytics and know how to strategically gather, categorize customer data, and utilize the data. 

You are a dynamic person with a keen sense of urgency who knows how to make use of e-business trends in a fast-evolving segment and company. You can find creative solutions that work and can pitching them to senior management with ease. Being good at stakeholder management will make you succeed in this position.


You will report into the Director of Marketing, Sales and Product Management, Gaming (HQ). 

Application & Contact

We would like you to start as soon as possible, so send your CV and cover letter today. The vacancy will be closed as soon as we have found our new colleague.

If you have any questions regarding the job, please send an email to Tim Völker, Director of Sales, Marketing and Product Management, Gaming: timv (at) Please note that your application must be submitted through our application system, not via mail. 

The company is a powerful joint venture between the German electro acoustics specialist Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG and internationally renowned Danish hearing health care company William Demant Holding Group. The joint venture draws on the experience of the two parent companies that are both global technology leaders in their respective fields. 

Established in 2003, Sennheiser Communications A/S has been developing award winning headsets for business professionals and the gaming community from the headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. The success builds on more than 150 years of combined sound heritage, on the latest technologies, and most of all, on our team of committed experts and professionals. 

Sennheiser Communications specializes in combining high-end audio and sound reproduction quality with leading hearing aid and advanced digital signal processing technologies for state-of-the-art communication products for call centers, office applications, as well as headsets for gaming and mobile devices. 

More information about Sennheiser Communications at

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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