Arbejde Digital Copywriter unspecified OTICON A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMjI4NSA3

reference: 4912285

documentId: 4912285

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543565466290

stillingsbetegnelse: Digital Copywriter


We are looking for a new Digital Copywriter with excellent wordsmithing skills! By utilizing your talent and passion for the written word while breaking complex content into different digital marketing channels, you can join us in making a difference for millions of people worldwide living with hearing loss.


Welcome to team

You will be part of the digital team in Shared Marketing Support, which is our internal group of approximately 50 highly skilled and specialized colleagues. Together, we ensure efficient development, execution, production, and support of marketing and communication activities to our business, including both the BtB and BtC market. We have an informal and creative atmosphere where respect is pivotal. We support each other and constantly share feedback and ideas to continuously improve.


We are in a digital transformation process with the ambition to enable an always-on presence that delivers a targeted, personalized and automated customer experience across platforms. As Digital Copywriter, you will be one of our Global Content Leads, working closely with Global Brand and Channel Managers to deliver content to our digital channels. In your new role, you will be supporting our international retail business by creating texts with a strong call to action.


Content matters
We have an omni-channel approach, and our overall ambition is to empower our target group to take the next step towards better hearing, by delivering the right message to the right person in the right channel at the right time. As Digital Copywriter, you can look forward to a wide array of exciting and challenging tasks, as we offer you to become our co-driver in creating one strong hearing healthcare brand across markets aligned with our business strategy.


Your primary responsibility will be to write and edit copy for our stakeholders. You will work with different digital marketing channels, and communicate both to BtB and BtC. We work in a fast pace, but never so fast that we compromise quality or projects that require longer deadlines.


Your areas of responsibility will be:

  • Developing dynamic content with focus on hearing healthcare to a +50 target group
  • Developing strategic concepts in terms of call-out, body copy and video manuscripts for product launches and campaigns
  • Creatively administering copy within approved claims
  • Developing and executing content plans that are aligned with the overall marketing and communication strategy
  • Planning and writing content for websites, 1-1 flows, and social media, aligned with marketing plans
  • Writing copy for sales material and offline marketing material
  • Documenting all new messaging across products to ensure easy access to comparison across.


What we are looking for?
To be successful in this job, you first and foremost have exceptional writing skills and a native or close to native level of English. You create excellent content to various digital marketing channels, and you quickly understand different target groups. You are a strong communicator, and good at building lasting relationships with key stakeholders in our matrix organization.

You thrive in a dynamic organization where things run fast and the journey from idea to execution is often short. You possess a proactive approach and apply sound reasoning to your tasks.


We are open to different educational backgrounds, but we would like you to have gained experience in:

  • Working with consumer journey and omni-channel content production
  • Writing and editing in UK English
  • Translating complex tech into simple content


We offer you an opportunity to be part of our journey in marketeering state-of-the-art hearing solutions to our users and offer you professional and personal development. We create solutions that allow people to live their lives to the max. We also recognize that to bring energy and inspiration to work, you need to re-energize and spend time with family, friends and hobbies in a healthy work life balance.


Want to join our team?

Then send your application today, as we are currently screening applications, but no later than 9 December 2018. Only candidates applying through our online recruitment system will be considered for this position.


If you have any questions related to the position, please contact Thomas Hilfling via thhi (at)


We look forward to receiving your CV and application.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: OTICON A/S

source: DK-STAR


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