Arbejde Department Manager unspecified FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5NTU2MiA3

reference: 4895562

documentId: 4895562

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1540371366646

stillingsbetegnelse: Department Manager


Digital R&D Department

In Digital Products and process optimization department we develop products to be sold directly to customers in Cement & Mining industry as well as internal customers in FLSmidth. We are based at FLSmidth’s headquarters in Valby, Copenhagen, and we have the whole world as our workplace. The department is staffed with 17 employees, highly skilled in various disciplines of software development and solutions.

Brief Description

Utilise your management skills on a team with specialists

If your expertise, experience and professional interest are founded within execution of complex technical R&D projects in the areas of software development and solutions, you now have the opportunity to make the next important leap in your career. As Department Manager in Digital Process Control and Optimization Department, you will head a team of highly skilled and dedicated employees towards completion of new successful projects all over the world. You will be a major part of ensuring the right products are developed to support the digital journey of FLSmidth, and you will be part of the world’s leading company in the mining and cement business.

Detailed Description

Ensuring an innovative and collaborative environment

Your overall objective is to secure a well-functioning team of highly skilled employees that are able to do timely delivery within budget and agreed specifications. The products span from control of a single product to systems ensuring quality and optimized solutions for entire plants in the cement and mining industries. As Department Manager, you enable your team to get the most out of their talent and by that deliver best in class solutions in our industry. In overview, your main responsibilities will be:

·        Comply and enforce standard FLS policies and procedures

·        Coordinate with Global Process Control and Optimization management team

·        Manage external collaboration partners

·        Ensure knowledge sharing and succession planning for key competences in the team

·        Effectively communicate relevant information to project stakeholders and management

·        Promote creative and innovative thinking to increase efficiency of the department and in R&D projects

·        Focus on team's development and foster a cooperative culture to deliver global R&D projects

·        Ensure report on that R&D projects are executed within the established time and cost budgets and with right quality

You can expect up to 60 yearly travel days in connection with customer meetings, supplier visits and internal meetings etc. You will report to the Director of Digital Products and process optimization.

Job Requirements

Good motivator with a passion for teamwork and cooperation

You will need to have the following skills to be successful in the job:

·        Good planning and organizing skills

·        Be a team player and motivator

·        Experience in working with global teams and organizations

·        Have experience in managing highly skilled specialists

·        Good understanding of the product development process and software product life cycle management

·        Must be able to manage issues honestly, openly and quickly

Application and Contact: 

Questions about the position may be directed to the Director of Digital Products and process optimization, Bodil Recke at +45 3618 2755 or +45 3093 2755. Please apply by clicking "apply" on this page. The application deadline is November 5. Please state where you saw the ad and have reference no. IRC41419 ready at hand when you contact us.

Additional Details

Our commitment to you
FLSmidth helps build societies all over the world by contributing to the infrastructure needed for global economic growth.

You take off for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world based on our values: Competence, Co-operation and Responsibility.

Ensuring that safety stays on top of mind is part of FLSmidth’s commitment of being a responsible employer and we focus on developing your talent through ongoing training.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S

source: DK-STAR


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