Arbejde Cyber Risk Manager unspecified Ørsted A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4894126
documentId: 4894126
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539941066270
stillingsbetegnelse: Cyber Risk Manager
Do you want to be part of protecting the green energy future from cyber attacks?
Join us and become Cyber Risk Manager in our Information Security department, where you – together with 1-2 other colleagues – will be driving and developing our cyber risk area. You’ll join a team of approx. 15 colleagues who’re passionate about raising the company’s information security level.
We want to create a world that runs entirely on green energy and have an ambitious strategy for protecting every step of this important journey. We need you to help us mitigate the most critical risks to our green expansion.
Your key tasks will be to
- implement and drive risk management in compliance with our policies and processes
- organise and facilitate cyber risk workshops in all parts of our organisation to identify and understand specific cyber risks
- evaluate risk properties and maintain our cyber risk register
- take part in defining proper risk mitigations and follow-up with risk owners
- report risks to management and various stakeholders.
Your competences include that you
- hold a relevant master’s degree in, e.g., information technology or engineering combined with a strong foundation in statistics or decision theory
- have solid experience working with structured quantitative risk management
- have the drive and strength to persistently challenge the organisation in its risk approach and continuously demand its participation in risk identification and mitigation
- speak and write English fluently and have excellent communication skills, enabling you to present and communicate complex matters in a professional and straightforward way
- are able to undertake risk modelling using Monte Carlo simulations with regard to CAPEX, OPEX, regulatory and lifetime structures.
In addition, it’ll be an advantage if you have technical insight into IT or Industrial Control Systems (ICS).
To thrive in the job, it’s important that you have a supportive nature and a high energy level.
Furthermore, you have a flair for working with complex analytical issues and are able to create results through teamwork and develop good relationships with your colleagues and other business partners. You also have a results-oriented and value-adding approach to your work, and you’re prepared to work intensely during busy periods.
Working at Ørsted
To be the frontrunner in the green energy transformation, we invest significantly in innovation and empower our employees to help shape the renewable energy technologies of the future. We cultivate a collaborative, dynamic and diverse work environment and encourage career-long learning and development so our people can realise their full potential.
Would you like to help shape the renewable technologies of the future?
Send your application to us as soon as possible and no later than 4 November 2018, as we’ll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis.
For Denmark, please don’t hesitate to contact Casper Kann, Manager of Security, Risk & Compliance within Information Security, by telephone on +45 99 55 98 37 if you’d like to know more about the position.
For the United Kingdom, please don’t hesitate to contact the Recruitment Specialist by email on ukrecruitment (at)
All UK-based positions will be subject to satisfactory pre-employment screening; further details will be given at offer stage.
Please note that for your application to be taken into consideration, you must submit your application via our online career pages.
Criminal record certificate
Please note that for Danish applicants, we may procure a criminal record certificate in connection with this job, and that employment will be subject to the information listed. The criminal record certificate will only be used in the assessment if the criminal activity is of relevance to the position.
About Ørsted
Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted’s 5,800 employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provide smart energy products to its customers. Ørsted IT delivers professional, stable business solutions and drives the digital transformation of the Ørsted group. For more information on Ørsted, visit
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Ørsted A/S
source: DK-STAR
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