Arbejde Customer Experience Manager unspecified TRACKMAN A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4944046
documentId: 4944046
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1549882096526
stillingsbetegnelse: Customer Experience Manager
Job abstractJV_description
TrackMan Golf is looking for a Global Customer Experience Manager (CEM), to build a world-class customer support organization. This position is based in our headquarter in Vedbæk (Copenhagen, Denmark).
Serving as the CEM, you will form a truly global customer support organization which provides outstanding service to our fast-growing customer base of driving ranges, commercial indoor golf centres, equipment manufacturers, teaching academies, club fitters, tour players and other commercial facilities.
Building a global customer support organization
You will establish structures that enable 7x24 support, both by leveraging our existing support centres in Denmark and the USA, and by building a new support hub in Asia. You will analyse our customer's support requirements and identify the necessary actions to fulfill those. Together with our R&D department you will design and implement effective support processes.
The HQ support team will report directly to you, while our global support centre teams will receive your functional guidance. One of your key priorities, will be to develop the skills and capabilities of the local support specialists (currently 5 people) to cope with the increasing customer demands. Part of the responsibility will be to actively engage as 2nd level support and to lead-by example in taking care of difficult customer situations. You are expected to maintain and further develop our different support tools and channels (ZenDesk, chat, FAQ’s, etc) and to build efficient reporting processes towards R&D and sales & marketing.
Enhancing our portfolio through new support offerings
As we enter new customer segments in which our products become an integral part of our customer’s value proposition, you will form new support offerings that provide tailored service level agreements (SLA’s) to our different customer segments. You will be responsible for building an effective execution organization. These new services will enhance our products across the globe and will become a key differentiator against our competitor's products.
Improving post-sales customer experience
At TrackMan Golf we handle all aspects of the sales process in-house. No agents, retailers or distributors. The key advantage of this model is that we control the full customer experience. You will take responsibility for the post-sale customer experience, by executing tailored surveys or one-on-one phone interviews with key accounts, analysing the results and suggesting the necessary action to improve customer experience. You will work closely with sales, marketing and operations to ensure that every customer touchpoint is perceived as best-in-class. This includes designing a post-sales multi-channel communication strategy and a global knowledge base.
Must have:
- 3+ years’ experience in running a technical support organization on a global scale
- Excellent people and leadership skills with the ability to attract, recruit, and retain great people
- A positive and independent mindset with an outstanding customer service attitude and focus on problem solving
- Technical affinity and ability to translate customer requirements into technical and process specifications
- Distinctive analytical and conceptual thinking
- Fluent in English (verbal & written) with an ability to clearly communicate complicated matters
- Flexibility to work weekends as well as overtime. Willingness to travel (10 - 15%)
- Hands-on mentality and attention to detail
- University degree
- Golf player
- Understanding of agile software development process
- Any additional language
Join the home of a powerful sports brand and a one-of-a-kind technology
Our proprietary technology is based on expert knowledge about radar, computer vision, data and software engineering. Our solutions are developed by specialists who endlessly explore and challenge new technical boundaries. TrackMan’s blend of cutting-edge technology, sports and continued growth make our company an outstanding place to work. Our work culture is entrepreneurial, ambitious and rewarding as you get to collaborate with inspiring colleagues and interact with the leaders of golf, baseball and football. Based on a unique brand reputation, we are proud of working in close partnership with the top athletes, organizations and teams that rely on our technology to stay ahead of the race.
We are a Danish company founded, owned and managed since 2003 by three entrepreneurs with a strong passion for sports. Today, we have a global footprint with our headquarter located in Denmark (Vedbaek) and offices in New York, Phoenix, Poland and Tokyo. We are more than two hundred and fifty people worldwide, half of which work in Denmark where most hardware and software products are developed, tested and manufactured.
Where innovation happens
At TrackMan, we know that great people make great products. We believe that teams thrive and innovation sparks in an atmosphere where people are encouraged to think for themselves, where everybody’s voices are heard, and where the best ideas prevail in the pursuit of the exceptional solution. This mix is what makes TrackMan an inspiring company – for our customers and our colleagues.
Share our Passion!
For additional information about the position, please contact HR Manager Lene E. Olesen at +45 5151-0546. Applications are continuously assessed, so please send your application as soon as possible. If you got what is takes, apply today and join a company with great technologies, passionate colleagues, and great opportunities to grow.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRACKMAN A/S
source: DK-STAR
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