Arbejde Consultant with functional responsibility for peripheral nerve block anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesiology, Nykøbing F. Hospital unspecified Regionshuset - Sorø - Slagelsevej - jobtilbud

id: NDkxNDgxMCA3

reference: 4914810

documentId: 4914810

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1544016371836

Consultant with functional responsibility for peripheral nerve block anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesiology, Nykøbing F. Hospital


We are looking for a specialist with energy and commitment who would like to participate in developing the Department of Anaesthesiology in the field of anaesthesia and intensive therapy and who also have the competence and skills to be head of function for peripheral nerve block anaesthesia. The position is vacant from 1 March 2019 or by agreement.

We expect that
• You want to undergo further training in regional anaesthesia
• You approach challenges with a positive attitude, you are a problem solver and a reflective person
• You have good collaborative skills
• You are an authorised anaesthesiologist
• You focus on high professional standards in your work and you put the patient in focus
• You would like to teach and train colleagues and students
• You wish to contribute to the continued development of a strong Department of Anaesthesiology in Region Zealand

We offer
• Opportunity for a part-time position
• Funding has been granted for a Master’s degree programme in Regional Anaesthesia (in English) Most of the programme can be taken online, but you will need to attend some lectures in Norwich in the UK
• The opportunity to create a research project supervised by a consultant with research responsibility
• The opportunity to work in a rapidly developing department
• The opportunity to participate in developing a specialist area
• Complex anaesthesia courses for patients in ASA classes 1-4 as well as paediatric anaesthesia
• Varied and challenging work in anaesthesia, intensive care and traumatology
• Good colleagues and a good working environment
• Exciting and developing interdisciplinary collaboration
• The opportunity to make your mark on your workplace in a department with a short turnaround from idea to action

About us
The department is organised with:
• Anaesthesiology unit which provides anaesthesia services for approximately 1,000 births a year
• In addition, a general anaesthesiology unit which provides anaesthesia services for elective and acute operations of both adults and children in the specialisations:
Orthopaedic Surgery, Gastro Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics
• Intensive therapy unit level 2 with nine beds and with a patient flow of 600-700 patients per year
• Recovery unit
• External functions: Trauma reception, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, anaesthesia services for CT and MRI scans, DC conversions and supervision/assistance for severely ill patients.

There is a dual on-site duty scheme covering the intensive care unit and the operation room. In addition, the on-call physicians participate in trauma reception and cardiac arrest resuscitation.
The specialist forms part of a 2-shift duty team with a scheduled frequency of on-call duty of 3-4 shifts monthly.

Practical information
• Nykøbing F. Sygehus is an independent emergency university hospital with attached associate professors
• The catchment area covers approximately 150,000 citizens
• The hospital has approximately 1,500 employees
• The hospital has a good team spirit and attaches importance to a good atmosphere and a safe learning environment, where you will have the opportunity to develop and learn, not only the mandatory competencies, but also selected competencies that you would like to

• We can offer accommodation close to the hospital. The hospital is beautifully situated overlooking the Guldborgsund strait, with woods and one of Denmark's best beaches within a reasonable distance. For more information about accommodation, contact nfsboligformidling (at)  
• On weekdays, there is a bus service from Vesterport Station and directly to the hospital and back, both mornings and afternoons
• If you feel like making an informal visit to the department, you are very welcome.
Who to contact if you want to hear more about the department
Senior consultant Ninna Rose Holm, nroh (at), +45 56 5155 96 or +45 93 56 70 12.

Read more here about your career opportunities within your particular specialisation and learn why some of your colleagues have already chosen Region Zealand on Det Gode Lægeliv.

About Nykøbing F. Sygehus – Together we create a strong emergency hospital
Nykøbing F. Sygehus is grounded on these three basic values: Look after the patient, look after the budget and look after each other. Our values are expressed through a high level of patient and employee involvement. Our hospital is recognised for being at the forefront when it comes to developing new forms of organisation and collaboration with a focus on spearheading functions, particularly within the areas of comorbidity and cross-sectorial
We are an attractive workplace which places high value on continuous supplementary training and professionalism, and which considers research to be a prioritised aspect of our interdisciplinary collaboration across departments. Situated with views over the scenic natural surroundings of Guldborgsund, Nykøbing F. Sygehus is the healthcare pivot for Lolland, Falster, Møn and Southern Zealand as a place of training and education, as a workplace and as an emergency hospital with the highest standards of professionalism and service.  Please find more information about the region and a video here: ;

Application: Please send your CV in English or German language to:  

Internationalrekruttering (at) 


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Regionshuset - Sorø - Slagelsevej

source: DK-STAR


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