Arbejde Consultant for the Masonry Centre Hovedstaden Teknologisk Institut - jobtilbud
The Danish Technological Institute in Aarhus is currently seeking a consultant to work with the development of new and innovative construction materials as well as to advance manufacturing processes, such as new and more efficient firing technologies. Process and product development The Masonry Centre at the Danish Technological Institute is Denmark’s leading knowledge centre for masonry and related construction materials. The centre is staffed by specialists from the fields of chemistry, statics, brick construction, damage analysis and certification. Your assignments, which will be both challenging and varied, will include: •Polarisation microscopy of mortar, brick and natural stone, as well as chemical analyses in the laboratory. •Participation in and the further development of research projects, with project management roles being allocated over time. •Analysis and development of new methods for analysing construction materials, raw materials and synthetic materials. •Study and diagnosis of flaws within masonry and tile materials in collaboration with the manufacturers. •Communication of the Masonry Centre’s specialist knowledge through conferences, meetings and courses. •Possible participation in building-condition surveys and damage surveys. As our new colleague, you will be part of an exiting working environment, and you will be able to draw on the specialist professional network of the entire Technological Institute. This is particularly relevant as our work at the centre is both cross-disciplinary and covers a broad scope of specialist fields; alongside this, the position also involves highly detailed work, such as chemical analyses, and analyses of mortar disintegration or discolouration of bricks. High level of professional competency and project experience We welcome all applications from individuals who have a background as a geologist, chemical engineering, or who have other relevant scientific or PhD backgrounds; knowledge of relevant analysis methods and/or construction materials (brick, mortar, natural stone) is also a requirement. We expect you to have laboratory experience and be able to manage several work and project assignments at the same time. You should be keen to participate actively in problem-solving tasks and project-design and development assignments. The position also requires that you have a strong commercial focus as you will also be responsible for maintaining contact with customers and partners. A valid driver’s license is also a requirement. Contact Should you require further information regarding this position, please contact Director Michael Laurits Lange on (+45) 7020 1873. Masonry Centre The staff of construction engineers, chemical engineers, architects, bricklayers and laboratory technicians at the Masonry Centre work closely together to provide the highest quality solutions, and constant communication and sharing of knowledge between colleagues is a key element of their work. To accommodate diverse ways of working, the centre supports independence, provides space for innovative ideas, and has a strong focus on development – both professional and personal. Since our recruitment process is done electronically, it is important that you enter your correct e-mail address in the application form. If it is incorrect, you will not receive a response letter from us. Read more about working in Denmark here: - See more at:
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Teknologisk Institut
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 72202000
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 72202019
Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for geologi og geofysik
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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