Arbejde Compensation and Benefits and Administration Manager Syddanmark Maersk Oil A/S - jobtilbud

Compensation and Benefits and Administration Manager

Maersk Oil is looking for a Compensation & Benefits (C&B) and Administration Manager to become a part of the Danish Business Unit (DBU) in Esbjerg. This is an opportunity for a driven individual to obtain an exciting role in a dynamic and international organization with the possibility to continuously learn and develop your competencies within Compensation & Benefits, HR administration and operations and people management. We Offer A C&B and Administration Manager position with responsibility for driving the local C&B agenda as well as the HR Administration team in Maersk Oil, Danish Business Unit (DBU). The person will together with the team form the backbone of the Strategic & Operational HR agenda in the Danish Business Unit. This is a possibility to drive C&B projects and the local C&B governance to enable a stronger C&B focus in the organization. The possibility to lead and influence the HR administration and operational setup will contribute greatly to the C&B focus and the HR priorities. Maersk Oil offers you a unique opportunity to join a company in growth and rapid development. Furthermore, the position could offer you international career opportunities within the A.P. Moller-Maersk group Key Responsibilities With special focus on C&B, the person will support the implementation of the C&B strategy for DBU and ensure that it is aligned with our global framework and compensation philosophy in MOG and the business strategy. Build C&B expertise in the HR function along with HRBP’s and Recruiters. Govern and improve C&B processes at a local level and provide inputs to the global community through participation in C&B projects. Drive transparency and enhance communication in the HR team. Manage and enable the HR Administration team to plan and deliver on a broad range of HR initiatives and projects to strengthen the operational performance. E.g. HR system management, C&B analysis and administration, recruitment assistance, vendor management and much more. This will ensure stronger performance in areas of data quality and output and efficiency and consistency. Work with internal stakeholders to manage HR policies and procedures associated with operational and strategic HR processes. Combining the C&B and HR Administration teams into one will ensure the synergies between the two areas are strengthened and exploited while relevant focus to both areas will be maintained. The position will report functional to the Maersk Oil Denmark C&B Manager and operationally to the Head of HR in DBU. Who we are looking for We expect candidates to have a relevant academic degree preferable in Economics, Human Resources, Business Administration or Finance. Furthermore, the successful candidate holds the following qualifications: Minimum 7 years’ experience working with HR in an international company and at least 5 of these should be within C&B. Experience in leading a team is preferred but can be developed in the role with the right profile. Strong analytical skills, an eye for details as well as a keen interest in gaining further knowledge within C&B. Business acumen. As well as strong people management skills. High sense of responsibility combined with a high degree of initiative. Good communication skills and strong intercultural competencies. The position will be located in Esbjerg with occasional travel to the Maersk Oil Office in Copenhagen. Apply: Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production of about 557,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Algeria. Exploration activities are on-going in Angola, Norway, the US Gulf of Mexico, Greenland, Iraqi Kurdistan and in the producing countries. Turning marginal and challenging fields into commercial successes has been the cornerstone of Maersk O

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 00000000

Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for samfundsøkonomi

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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