Arbejde Clinic Manager for the Biochemistry Clinic, Laboratory Centre, Hospital of Southern Jutland. Syddanmark Region Syddanmark - jobtilbud
Clinic Manager for the Biochemistry Clinic, Laboratory Centre, Hospital of Southern Jutland.
We are seeking to fill a position as Clinic Manager at the Biochemistry Clinic, Laboratory Centre, Hospital of Southern Jutland, as soon as possible. On account of a change of generation, we are currently seeking an ambitious consultant to work closely with the two other clinic managers (bioanalysts) to head up the operations and professional development of the clinic, with particular emphasis on assuring coherence and quality in the patient processes at the Hospital of Southern Jutland. The Biochemistry Clinic is a part of the Hospital of Southern Jutland Laboratory Centre. The centre was established on 1 January 2013, and, in addition to the Biochemistry Clinic, comprises a Microbiology Clinic, Immunology Clinic, Pathology Clinic and Pharmacy. The Laboratory Centre has facilities in Sønderborg, Aabenraa and Tønder, as well as at Haderslev Hospital. Haderslev Hospital is scheduled for closure in October 2014. The individual clinics handle associated specialist functions in an obligating working relationship with other laboratories and clients. A major procurement contract has recently been signed for pre and post-analytical equipment, primarily for the Biochemistry Clinic. The equipment will be introduced in Aabenraa and Sønderborg in the period 2014–2016. In addition, a research unit is currently being established at the Laboratory Centre. The centre employs around 200 people, including 91 at the Biochemistry Clinic. The Biochemistry Clinic runs an analysis production of approx. 4,500,000 analyses per year. We provide advice and guidance with reference to analysis production, external analyses and requests for new initiatives in the field of analysis in collaboration with the other clinics, as well as medical consultancy in the field of patient treatment. The Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa, is to be extended in the immediate future to encompass the role of acute hospital, as the Aabenraa area is assimilating expertise in a number of specialist fields. The first step – which is forecast to be completed in 2014 – involves establishing a Family Centre to house the fields of gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics. At the same time, the newly established Acute Centre is to be expanded, and is expected to receive 40–50,000 patients annually. The hospital quality strategy is “Quality 24/7”. Your profile • You are a medical specialist in clinical biochemistry. • You are development-oriented and quality-conscious. • You have experience with – and an interest in – HR management, along with flair for motivating other people, recognising their skills and helping them to develop. • You have a talent for processes and taking a holistic approach. • You communicate clearly and directly with everyone in the organisation. You are skilled at communicating both orally and in writing. • You are keen to become involved in the strategic processes of the hospital and the Laboratory Centre, and are loyal to same. • You have a burning desire to ensure that your organisation runs as appropriately as possible and develops positively on an ongoing basis. • You are committed to working for optimal partnership both within your own management team and with the organisation as a whole. • You are interested in maintaining and developing your own managerial qualifications. You are also welcome to contact the centre management for additional information about the position: Susan Cording, Centre Manager, tel. +45 2895 2780, e-mail: susan.cording (at) Jørgen Steen Pedersen, Centre Manager, tel. +45 3043 2253, e-mail: Jorgen.steen.pedersen (at) Consultant Henning Jelert, Clinic Manager, tel. +45 7418 2380, e-mail: henning.jelert (at) Salary and employment conditions Salary and employment conditions pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement between the Danish Association of Medical Specialists (FAS) and the Danish Regions organisation. Applications Please send your CV and any oth
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Region Syddanmark
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 76631000
Sådan ansøger: jue (at)
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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