Arbejde Business Supporter and Super User unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzNDgzNiA3

reference: 4934836

documentId: 4934836

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548247391156

stillingsbetegnelse: Business Supporter and Super User


Can you ensure compliance in our electronic document management system? 

If you are a super administrator with a service minded attitude, that likes to systemise and provide structure and in dialogue with the business we have the perfect job just waiting for you. At LEO Pharma you will join a successful, international company and contribute to the goal of becoming the world’s preferred dermatology care partner. You will be responsible for the G3M (Global Marketing, Market Access & Medical Affairs) and HR part of our business critical document management solution, MyDoc LEO – in a position where you will have the opportunity to make a significant difference among dedicated colleagues that value your efforts. 

Service, administration and coordination in close dialogue with multiple Managers

MyDoc LEO is the repository of approx. 17.000 strategic and operational procedures, and your focus is to facilitate compliance for the G3M and HR part of those. A vital part of the solution is to manage the training and to ensure documents are frequently reviewed – in order to be in compliance with various regulations and uphold our License to Operate. Related to the theoretical training, you will interact with the Department Managers and assist in building and maintaining training matrixes and to secure that the employees receive the correct documents for training. Your primary tasks will be to:

  • Provide end-user support – via mail, telephone and face to face in Ballerup
  • Establish and maintain training matrices
  • Distribute documents for training to end-users 
  • Initiate periodic review workflows and follow up 
  • Maintain meta data on procedures – e.g. to reflect organisational changes 
  • Generate KPI reports / dash boards to highlight results 
  • Contribute to shape and optimise the MyDoc LEO solution 
  • Maintain the MyDoc LEO solution SOPs and training material

You will have a close dialogue and collaboration with you Supporter colleagues in Ballerup (face to face) as well as the virtual Global team (via video conferences, mail and phone) to share knowledge and handle problems as smart and efficient as possible. You will also be responsible for the communication with Managers and other stakeholders in the business areas you are responsible for, to ensure they always are updated on MyDoc LEO relevant information. You will be based in Ballerup together with the core business support team.

 Open minded super systemiser with top class collaboration skills

You have an education at B.Sc. level like pharmaconomist, laboratory technician or similar. Additionally, you have some years’ experience from working with tasks across administration/systemisation in a team delivering services. As such, you are used to communicate with people at all levels including stakeholders in high-level positions. Ideally, you bring pharma experience and a related understanding of GxP requirements.

People know you for your structured work approach, your passion for systemisation, your service minded attitude and your ability to come through. Additionally, your flair for IT makes it easy for you to apply your skills to new systems. Your positive mindset and can-do attitude makes you a natural ambassador for your team and the system, and you are not afraid of facing the challenges that is part of introducing new ways of working.


Your new team

MyDoc LEO Support team is a virtual team with 27 team members placed in 12 countries (11 placed in Ballerup). We share knowledge and solve problems via video conferences, mail, phone and face to face. We are proud of the value we add to the business and the help we bring to our colleagues. Our team values are: Loyalty, Positive and helpful, Reliable Data and Teamwork. Our work environment is open and informal where everyone is seen and heard – and we look forward to hear your ideas. 

Next step


For further information please contact Chalotte Oebakke (+45 53 69 66 59). Please submit your application no later than the 31st of January 2019 via

We look forward to receiving your application.


About LEO Pharma

LEO Pharma helps people achieve healthy skin. By offering care solutions to patients in more than 100 countries globally, LEO Pharma supports people in managing their skin conditions. Founded in 1908 and owned by the LEO Foundation, the healthcare company has devoted decades of research and development to delivering products and solutions to people with skin conditions. LEO Pharma is headquartered in Denmark and employs around 4,800 people worldwide. For more information, visit

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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