Arbejde Business-minded Legal Manager unspecified SYSTEMATIC A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5ODc0OCA3

reference: 4898748

documentId: 4898748

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1541062267533

stillingsbetegnelse: Business-minded Legal Manager


Do you want to work with international proposals and contracts in a growing IT company and are you passionate about getting close to the core business? If so, we have just the job for you.

You will find valuable solutions for the business
As Legal Manager you will be part of a highly professional team within Commercial & Legal Services that reports directly to, and works closely with the group management. You will mainly be working with the Defence business unit that supplies the defence industry with reliable and user-friendly IT solutions, being used in critical situations in the field. Together with your colleagues, you will be responsible for ensuring that we take the right contractual and commercial risks when we issue proposals and negotiate contracts of all kinds. Daily, you will be in contact with the Defence sales team through Skype as the team is located all over the world e.g. in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, the UAE, Germany, and Finland. In other words, you will find the best solutions that will create value within Defence, taking deliveries, risks, and opportunities into account. You will be involved at different levels of the business and join a journey at a growing IT company.

Your duties will include:

  • Preparing, reviewing and negotiating larger and minor contracts, such as customer delivery agreements, teaming agreements, NDA´s, sales agreements and subcontracts
  • Identifying risks and solutions in tender material in close cooperation with the business
  • Managing, maintaining and improving our handling of export control
  • Being a part of our efforts at development, compliance, standardisation and processes

We offer you
To be part of an inspiring environment that consists of four attorneys, four legal managers, two legal students, and a team of bid managers. We have an open and informal way of working - preferably with a humorous tone. At Systematic, we challenge each other and our work processes so that we are always at the forefront of development. This means that you will have an influence on your tasks and work independently with internal as well as external stakeholders, contractors and customers.In addition, you will get the opportunity to develop your personal and professional skills on an ongoing basis, and you will get close to the product and service organization and understand our deliveries, risk and opportunities. In addition, you will get the opportunity to develop your personal and professional skills on an ongoing basis, and you will get close to the product and service organization and understand our deliveries, risk and opportunities. At the same time, we prioritise a reasonable work-life balance where you are able to plan your own working hours to a great extent. You can look forward to exciting day-to-day work in which close co-operation and continuous improvement are essential for making a difference and delivering world-class software. In Commercial & Legal Services you will be part of a team that helps each other, that develops each other – and delivers through passion, persistence and drive.

We are looking for
Ideally, a Master of Law or Master of Business Law who have minimum three years of experience of working on international, commercial contracts. You have a solid professional foundation and understand law as a tool in the business. It is essential that you possess great English skills and are able to negotiate in English, both verbally and in writing. It is an advantage if you speak and write German, but it is not a requirement.

As a person, you have a positive attitude and are comfortable in a changing environment, where external and internal stakeholders might change your priorities. You work independently and in a structured manner so you are able to handle different tasks at the same time, often within a short time horizon. You are customer-oriented and enjoy building relations with people from different cultural backgrounds. You manage yourself at all levels of the organization and you dare to be persistent and clear in the presentation of legal information and opinions. It motivates you to reach the team goals and be close to the business.

The job does not require a lot of traveling (up to approx. 5 days a year), because a lot of the international collaboration can be accomplished on Skype.

We work with security-classified projects, and therefore, you as an employee at Systematic need to have security clearance. Read more here:

Have we not answered all of your questions?
The place of work is in Aarhus. Please submit your application as soon as possible as we conduct interviews on an ongoing basis. You are welcome to apply for this position in either Danish or English.We are looking forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYSTEMATIC A/S

source: DK-STAR


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