Arbejde Business Development Directors for Oticon Medical unspecified OTICON A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MTI4NCA3

reference: 4891284

documentId: 4891284

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539324184993

stillingsbetegnelse: Business Development Directors for Oticon Medical


Customer Experience

We offer you an exciting opportunity to become part of a small and dedicated team in Customer Experience. Our mandate is to put focus on specific areas of strategic and commercial importance for the company. The areas reflect a broad view on our services and aims to create a good and profitable customer experience – whether this customer is an end-user or a professional.


Two Directors Business Development

We are currently looking to add two new colleagues to the team. Both positions are on Director level and both will work on Customer Experience projects and initiatives across the team. However, each position has a clearly defined and accountable responsibility within one of the below described areas.  Based on our conversation, your qualifications and skillset, you will be responsible for one of them. Both positions refer to the Vice President, Customer Experience.

As Director, Business Development, your primary goal is in close cooperation with management and our local sales companies to design and implement commercial initiatives for Oticon Medicals two business areas, namely bone anchored hearing systems and cochlear implants.  


Focus area: Recurrent/ upgrade sales

We know that our implanted patients highly appreciate to have access to the newest technology throughout their patient journey, and that they hereby have better outcomes, engagement, and are more satisfied. At the same time the sales to this installed base of patients is gaining in potential every year.  Therefore, a focused strategy for our recurrent / upgrade sales is essential for the company.

As main responsible for our upgrade sales project, you have the responsibility for defining and executing our recurrent / upgrade sales strategy. Your task is to create a long-term structure for continued upgrade sales, while being the driver of initiatives and activities that aim to exploit present upgrade opportunities. You will work closely with Oticon Medical’s local organizations, and together the strategy must be continuously designed and executed. You will furthermore cooperate with the sales management team, marketing, clinical support teams and to some extend customer service in the Oticon medical business units.

We expect a sound commercial excellence experience and preferably experience within driving upgrade sales programs.

You should be able to travel app. 60 days.


Focus area:  Synergies

Oticon Medical benefits from being part of the WDH group. This opens up for potential commercial synergies with the other companies in the group. One example is around the adult patient segment. We know that our adult implanted patients often explains that their road to better hearing has been long. Working with our group owned hearing instrument retail shops we are trying to change this and ensure an easier and smother journey for this patient segment. At the same time the adult market represents the fastest growing segment, and can be an important revenue driver for the company.  Therefore, a focused strategy is essential for this area.

As main responsible for our synergy projects, you have the responsibility for defining and executing on our synergy project. Your task is to create an understanding of what the projects can mean to both Oticon Medical and our partners. You will work in a matrix organization with many stakeholders both inside the Oticon Medical organization and within the group. You will be expected to cover both the strategic and the implementation level of the initiatives.

You should be able to travel app. 40 days.


What we are looking for (common for both position)

  • You expect you hold a B.Sc./M.Sc. with a commercial focus, and a minimum of 5 years of work experience in a similar role
  • You have a strong understanding and skillset within sales/ marketing/ commercial excellence.
  • Experience working within a MedTech-industry will be an advantage.
  • Experience driving global projects with many stake holders
  • As we are working globally, we expect you to be fluent in English.

From a personal perspective, you consider yourself to be self-driven, with an entrepreneurial and curious mind-set. As a person, you act in an enthusiastic way and strive to add value through your strong business focus and process understanding. It is important that you get motivated by designing, but also taking an active part in implementing the local plans.

You are a good listener and possess people skills enabling you to drive projects in a matrix organisation with many stakeholders across multiple sites. You have a pragmatic way of seeing things and are willing to go the extra mile.

Together with skilled colleagues, you will be part of a very dynamic environment based on trust and openness, and you will soon experience a strong passion for our patients. We are a growing international company where everybody passionately supports the business by making sure we successfully bring the best experience to our users. You will be working in a bright and open workplace, where a flexible working environment, knowledge-sharing, and professional respect makes it meaningful to go to work.

How to join us!

If you have a specific preference within the two positions then please mark this clearly in your CV or cover letter. Send your application as soon as possible, as we are screening applications on a continuous basis. Deadline for the application is 23rd October 2018.  Also, please be aware of that only candidates using the electronic recruitment system will be considered for this position.

If you would like to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact recruitment specialist Ditte Mi Petræus through ditp (at)

Oticon Medical is a global company in implantable hearing solutions, dedicated to bringing the magical world of sound to people at every stage of life. Oticon Medical shares a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges patients encounter in their day-to-day lives. That knowledge, combined with leading edge research, drives the innovation that enables us to develop implantable hearing solutions that improve quality of life - now and in the future.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: OTICON A/S

source: DK-STAR


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