Arbejde Backend Developer Midtjylland VIABILL GROUP A/S - jobtilbud
ViaBill is hiring! ViaBill A/S has in a few years become the largest provider of installment payments on the Danish e-commerce market, and in order to secure this growth, we are now seeking 1-2 new qualified developers for our HQ in Aarhus or branch development office just north of Copenhagen. Our product / service Every year, more and more people do their shopping on the internet web shops instead of in traditional retail shops. And when it comes to payment, instant payment through credit/debit cards has been the preferred method. But the trend is changing - due to ViaBill. We offer the customer to shop without instant payment, but instead part the payment over the coming 24 months - without obligatory interests and fees. And when ViaBill is a payment option in a shop, the customers certainly choose this payment method over the instant payment. Today, ViaBill is a payment option in more than 1,000 web shops. We have more than 30,000 customers - increasing by approx. 100 every day. Our primary profit comes from our Freemium Add-on service of providing a simple payment method to the customer regarding the monthly repayment. Why should you work with us? We are a small organization of just 25 employees. The reason why it's possible to run our company with so few people is because of clever people like you! Every process, we build in ViaBill, is build with a scope of being highly scalable. Working with us, your ideas will have a real life. We give great space for individualism and independence, and value great ideas with applauses! Despite this, you of course will have a great team to "play ball with" every day. Who we seek First of all, you should like what you read above. If you do, please continue to read... • You should be thrived in a working culture with high speed, informal tone many and different tasks and a high level of influence on our product, solutions and your own working situation. • You need to be fluent in either English, German or Danish. • Min. 3 years relevant work experience Below, you will see a list of the technologies, we use. You don't need to master all of them, but at least some of them - especially Java. We are patient, and will train you intensively. - Ul: HTML 5, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS - Java Frameworks: JAX-RS, Swagger, Jersey2, Hibernate 3, Spring 3, Camel, JAXB - Key Technologies: Java 7, REST, JMS - Testing: JUnit, Hamcrest, JMeter - Tools: Jenkins, Git, Sonar, Eclipse, Maven, Bash What we offer • Salary depending on skills and experience – range 30.000-40.000 DKK/month (4000 -5000 Euro/month • We will assist you with housing • Flexible working hours within the range of 08:00 – 18:00 • Benefits depending on negotiations • Permanent contract possible • Workplace from either our HQ in Aarhus or in our Copenhagen branch office. • Start date asap If you find this offer interesting, please don't hesitate to send your CV and application asap and no later than June 22, 2015 to Claus Bang Møller at cba (at) We can't wait to hear from you!
Arbejdsgiver Navn: VIABILL GROUP A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 88826826
Salary depending on skills and experience – range 30.000-40.000 DKK/month (4000 -5000 Euro/month)
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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