Arbejde Backend developer at the National Life Science Supercomputing Centre unspecified Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud

id: NDk4MTY2OCA3

reference: 4981668

documentId: 4981668

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1556713810296

Backend developer at the National Life Science Supercomputing Centre


We are looking for a Backend developer with experience in system integration and knowledge of cloud infrastructures. You will play a key role in the design and implementation of new backend systems for storing and extracting information from various data sources, primarily in the life science domain.

Primary areas of responsibility

You will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining backend systems that interact with various data sources: flat files, database systems, and/or Hadoop clusters. You will also be responsible for creating and expanding data analysis pipelines that will interact with our underlying cloud infrastructure.

Based on your qualifications and interests, there are also possibilities to expand into a full stack development role or devops role.

Your main tasks would include:
  • Developing new features and systems while maintaining clean and coherent codebase.
  • Collaborating with the project partners outside of the team.
  • Creating and maintaining user-facing documentation of the APIs and system logic.
  • Participating in regular meetings where the team members altogether discuss the progress and the next steps.

Our expectations of you The competences that will be required:
  • A degree in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Data Science or a related field, or equivalent work experience
  • Working knowledge of common data structures and algorithms.
  • Proficiency in Python 3. Our current backend stack is now dominated by Python 3, but we are open to other languages as well.
  • Proficiency working with databases systems, both relational and non-relational.
  • Experience with other programming languages commonly used in backend systems, such as Go or JVM-hosted languages.
  • Experience with building and using RESTful APIs.
  • Experience with Git.
  • Experience with CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery).
  • Experience with cloud infrastructures and understanding of concepts of system administration.
  • Familiarity with the HTTP protocol.
  • Familiarity with UNIX systems.
  • Familiarity with Docker.
  • Familiarity with Shell scripting and command line interfaces.

It would be a plus to have experience with:
  • Python web frameworks (Django, Flask).
  • RabbitMQ or other message queue systems.
  • Workflow/pipeline frameworks (Luigi, Airflow).
  • OpenStack, AWS or other cloud platforms.
  • Provisioning and configuration management tools (e.g. Ansible, Puppet, Jenkins, Chef).
  • System administration.
  • Agile development (Scrum, etc).
  • Open source software development, as lead or team member.

What we offer in return We offer an interesting and challenging job in an international atmosphere with the focus on research, teaching, innovation and scientific advice for the benefit of the surrounding community. We place emphasis on a high level of professionalism among our staff, so skills development is an integral part of our organization. We offer a great flexibility in the position. In the area of technical and natural sciences, DTU is one of the leading research and education institutions in Europe.

Salary and appointment terms

Terms of appointment and payment according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations (AC).

Application and contact

Please submit your online application no later than Tuesday, 14 May 2019 (local time). Open the 'Apply online' link, fill out the form and attach your motivated application, CV and exam certificates.

If you would like additional information about the position, please contact Team Lead Wibowo Arindrarto, wibar (at)

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

The Danish National Life Science Supercomputing Center, Computerome is a HPC Facility specialized for Life Science. Users include Research groups from all Danish Universities and large international research consortiums as well as users from industry and the public Health Care Sector. They all benefit from the fast, flexible and secure infrastructure and the ability to combine different types of sensitive data and perform analysis. Computerome is physically installed at the DTU Risø campus and managed by a strong team of specialists from DTU. Computerome is the official supercomputer of ELIXIR Denmark, a member of ELIXIR, the European infratructure for biological information.

DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

source: DK-STAR


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