Arbejde Automation Engineer – take part in developing the future unspecified BEUMER Group A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg0MTQ5MyA3

reference: 4841493

documentId: 4841493

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1533709792460

Automation Engineer – take part in developing the future


Job DescriptionJoin us in our development of new cutting-edge technology for airports and distribution centres across the globe. You get to programme the solutions of tomorrow with our very own test centre right next door.

Welcome to BEUMERAs our new Automation Engineer, you become part of our Automation Controls team. Here, you join 25 creative and highly-skilled colleagues, with whom you create the products of tomorrow as well as keeping the product ownership of the existing technologies.

Create the programming of our future productsYou will join a smaller team within the department called 'product and tools' assigned the task of developing our new products and support tools, as well as handle the sustained engineering on our existing products. Our primary goal is to support our colleagues who use the products in customer projects. You take part in all the project development phases, from spec's trough programming, design, testing etc.

Once a project has been completed, you will join a new one – always developing products at the forefront of technology. A lot of our work is unknown to the market, so you truly get to create the future.

Validate your new productsOur product development process follows the recognized V-model: from customer requirements to final validation of our systems around in the world. As an automation engineer you will have a close co-operation with our commissioning engineers validating your new products on the initial sites in which they are installed. This may result in some travel activity depending on the project.

Build your knowledge and take on more responsibilityYou will be handed a task and trusted with a deadline. Naturally, we will, as your colleagues, share our knowledge, discuss solution possibilities and support you with help and feedback.

As you master the art of driving your own projects, you will get to take on project management of smaller projects and activities within the team, allowing you to build skills in that area.

Skilled and playful Automation Engineer

  • You are a skilled PLC programmer with knowledge of Siemens S7 and Siemens TIA – preferably also with some knowledge of VBA and C#.
  • You speak and write English fluently, and if you do not know Danish already, you want to learn.

If you have other competencies, we would also like to hear from you. Maybe you have that special something that we did not know we needed.

You enjoy sharing your knowledge and discussing the best solution with your colleagues, and you actively seek their advice and encourage them to come to you with the best results. Also, you have a playful spirit and enjoy finding solutions to solve complex challenges.

Interested?If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Team Manager, Automation Controls Martin Minet Nielsen at +45 27 61 59 17.

Apply for this position online through

We look forward to welcoming you.

BEUMER GroupConveying, loading, palletising, packing, sortation and distribution – BEUMER Group is a leader within the development and manufacture of high-technological intralogistics systems for global markets. Our employees stand out from others thanks to their ability to supply innovative solutions to our customers. They can do this because they know the industry and are passionate about continuously developing and expanding their knowledge. We support these high standards through teamwork, mutual respect and a working culture based on trust that fosters stability and security for all of our employees. Our common goal is to implement outstanding and innovative projects worldwide.


numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BEUMER Group A/S

source: DK-STAR


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