Arbejde Advanced Citrix and NetScaler consultant unspecified NNIT A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4933010
documentId: 4933010
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547816293120
stillingsbetegnelse: Advanced Citrix and NetScaler consultant
Are you an experienced VDI or NetScaler consultant who knows what it takes to deliver high quality work? Would you like to be part of a global project team supporting multinational customers?
NNIT is looking for an advanced VDI or NetScaler consultant to join our team in Denmark. We have already colleagues in China, Czech and the Philippines doing VDI solutions. Our main technologies are Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop, PVS and NetScaler.
Your responsibilities as Advanced Consultant
You have a strong consultancy mindset, are flexible and have the ability to plan and execute your own tasks. You value good documentation and put honor in a secure and well-documented handover of the solution to your colleagues in the operations team. Projects vary from minor adjustments on existing environments to deliver new large enterprise solutions.
You will work with a variety of tasks and your responsibilities will include:
- Working on smaller assignments with full costumer contact and as part of a team on larger projects collaborating with architects from the client, project managers and other stakeholders.
- Implementing the right solution through dialog with the customer and ensure proper handover to our operations unit.
- You will act as a sparring partner for our colleagues in operations with focus on optimizing and troubleshooting.
- You are responsible for implementing solutions with right level of documentation in order to comply with the required compliance level, whether it is within the public or pharmaceutical sector.
- Furthermore you will take responsibility to manage external consultants on assignments, where their contributions are included in the delivery.
You will join our team
You will be joining our team in Søborg, which is a part of a global team of 11 highly motivated and skilled colleagues placed in Czech, China and the Philippines. Everyday life is characterized by activity and a good spirit - both on-site and at customers. It is essential that you thrive in such an environment and are comfortable with international cooperation across the business.
The team is part of Global Projects, responsible for doing projects and customized service requests of our customers’ IT solutions. Our work processes are based on best practice and our procedures follow ITIL standards (IT Infrastructure Library).
Your qualifications and experience
The ideal candidate has an educational background within computer science, engineering or similar combined with at least 5 years’ experience working with XenApp, XenDesktop and experience with NetScaler ADC on VPX/MPX/SDX appliances is an advantage.
You have in-depth knowledge of these Citrix technologies:
- XenApp/XenDesktop (from old MFCOM based versions to 7.x)
- Provisioning
- StoreFront / Webinterface
- Netscaler Gateway
You have experience within:
- Netscaler
- Windows server 2008/2012
- Active Directory, including GPOs and OU design
- Virtualisation (of servers and applications)
- Microsoft App-V
- Powershell/VBS
And have knowledge of:
- VMWare vSphere
- VMWare Horizon
- Networking
- Storage
As a person you like to keep yourself updated new technologies - especially in technologies from Citrix. It is an advantage, but not a requirement, if you have experience with certificates, network, security, or virtualization. You have strong communication skills and are fluent in spoken and written English.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NNIT A/S
source: DK-STAR
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